15 Reasons Romance Novels Are Good for You


Romance book open with red fabric heart
Romance novel with red fabric heart

For those who like to trash our love of romance novels, here are 15 reasons why romance novels are good for us.

Reason One – Romance is fun. You can’t be in love, or even watch others in love without without seeing the fun. Love can make you silly, giddy, and so happy that you can’t help but see it reflected in the expressions of those involved.

Reason Two – Reading romance novels before bed can help you de-stress, and fall asleep faster. The plots are often predictable, positive and optimistic. Something you can rely on, and knowing that there is a happy ending coming, is wonderful for the soul.

Reason Three – As well as the soul, reading romance novels can boost your mood. Studies show that reading romance novels can increase oxytocin levels, the hormone that is associated with happiness and well-being. And I don’t know about you, but I can always use a little more happiness in MY life. 🙂

Reason Four – Romance novels can help boost your self-confidence. Popular romance novels often feature strong, confident, independent female characters. Seeing how these characters overcome challenges and grow can help readers to learn from their examples and give them hope that they can overcome as well.

Reason Five – Novels of all types including romance can help develope imagination by challenging creativity and problem-solving skills. Readers have to picture the characters, settings, plots, conflicts, and the conflict resolutions.

Reason Six – Romance novels in particular can help readers learn about relationships and communication skills, both the good and bad. Reading examples of what works and what doesn’t with others can help readers to learn new communication techniques to add or to work on avoiding in their own relationships.

Reason Seven – Reading romance novels can help improve your vocabulary. It has been documented that only about 3% of Americans will ever read a complete book after graduation. So, find something you love, whether it is romance, history, sci-fy, etc. Find what interests you and READ. You lose what you don’t use.

Reason Eight – Reading romance novels help you relax and de-stress. They are an escape from the everyday life. They help us immerse ourselves in other worlds, other adventures, and often help us realize that our problems are not as different or sometimes as bad as what others are going through.

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Reason Nine – Following up after Reason Eight, romance novels help us connect with other people. They can help us find reasons to empathize with others knowing that there maybe things going on it their lives that we don’t know about. Life is often complicated for everyone at times and in ways that we just cannot see.

Reason Ten – They can be a great way to connect with people in online forums, and through discussion groups and book clubs. Also, it’s so easy these days to follow our favorite authors online, and keep updated on new books as they are released.

Reason Eleven – They can help improve your own writing skills. Understanding how other authors build the plots, develope the characters, create the settings, and use atmosphere and emotion to craft stories that all types of people fall in love with book after book.

Reason Twelve – They can help you deal with strong and difficult emotions. They can help a lonely person feel less alone, a sad person feel hope, or a scared person feel that maybe they can get through their difficulties. The happy endings typical of the romance genre, leave us feeling hope that we can find happiness too.

Reason Thirteen – They can teach us about different customs and cultures. Stories from different countries can help broaden our understanding of the world around us. And understanding is the first step towards acceptance.

Reason Fourteen – They make for cheap mini vacations. At least they give us a mental escape from our physical environment. For a short time, we can be immersed in realities so different from our personal lives, that we can easily believe that fantasy is real. At least for a time, and everyone can use a break now and then.

Reason Fifteen – And my favorite reason, they are just plain FUN!! Who doesn’t want to escape from reality sometimes? Who doesn’t love a happy ending? Who doesn’t enjoy a great story? And with so many great writers out there now and over the years, there just isn’t enough time in one life to read all the stories I would like to read. That doesn’t mean that I’m not going to give it my best effort though!

Well, that’s enough writing for now. Time to go find a good book to read. 🙂
